How to Make Your Team’s Work More Visible

Helping your team members gain visibility isn’t just important for their growth and success — it’s vital for yours as a leader. Not only does it show your ability to nurture and develop potential, it also demonstrates your managerial chops. Here are practical strategies for how to boost your team’s visibility: 1) Take the time to genuinely understand your team members: their individual strengths, interests, and ambitions; 2) Consider the various avenues for showcasing your team’s work; 3) Focus on impact; 4) Share facts and specific examples; 5) Be guarded with criticism; 6) Promote collaboration and create opportunities for exposure; 7) Distribute credit strategically.


It’s not enough for you and your team to do great work — you need to make sure it’s seen and appreciated. Showcasing your team’s contributions isn’t bragging; it’s strategic communication that ensures people receive the recognition they deserve, leading to better resources, opportunities, and advancement.

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